Tuesday 6 May 2008

The Wrath of Grapes........Reply to 'Being Bad 2'

I've just read your blog on getting bladdered at the weekend. As a 'reformed alcoholic', I have mixed feelings about what you're saying. See, I know that if I even had a sip of booze, I'd be off again - and as for drinking socially, I'm afraid that's definately a thing of the past in my world.

My drinking started socially, but then gradually and insidiously became a real problem. As your tolerance levels rise, obviously you need more booze to have the desired effect. I ended up being slaughtered 24/7 (it's one way to avoid a hangover although not really recommended!)

What I can't get my head around is hearing people bragging to each other about puking, forgetting things, getting into fights and so on. I think to myself that if they're not careful they're going to end up in the same boat I did.

Just for the record, I was drinking for about 20 years - but I'm 'dry' now and have been for three years two months and four days!

The link below describes what can happen to your mind when excess alcohol causes vitamin B deficiency. I've had quite a bit to do with alcohol counselling services in my area, and I'm told that if this condition isn't treated quickly enough sufferers end up virtually cabbaged for life.

Korsakoff's Syndrome



Tiger said...

I can understand your experience with alcohol, but it may not be the same case for others. i have been drinking for a few years, but i understand the my limits on alcohol.

i think alcohol awareness it essential for people going out drinking. everyone should be aware of the risks as alcohol abuse is seen to be self-inflicted and may not be treated under the NHS after a few years.

Paul said...

Just to let you know that i don't feel like you're picking on me.

I also wanted to say that you've said nothing in either of those replies that i would disagree with - blogging isn't always the easiest way to express everything you want to say, so thank you for adding to (and i hope, if you didn't completely disagree with me) building on what i had to say - and you're definatley one of the kinder commenters on this module :)