Tuesday 6 May 2008

Response to P.H. (Being Bad 2)

My response to the 'Gluttony' blog may have veered off at a tangent slightly, and I did write the acohol one first - just posted them in a different order! Anyway, this is how it goes:-

Sorry to pick on you again, but when anyone mentions overeating and obesity, it grabs my attention.

Back in the 'dark ages' when I was a kid, there was no instant fixes like MuckyDee's, media hype about body image and 'super models' ran to the extent of Twiggy, eating disorders had yet to be invente, labelled and become fashionable and life was, oh, so much simpler.

This is just my personal opinion, but I think the media influences greatly, if not manipulates, what goes on in society now, it's unfunny. One simplified version of things would be that young girls aspire to look like a celebrity, thinking that they will be like them in other ways as well as visually - confident and successful. All it brings is obsession and misery, dangerous dieting or 'bingeing and purging'.

Then there's comfort eating. You can't really generalise why people do it, everyone has their own 'story' to tell, but when you get down to the bottom of it, lack of self-esteem and confidence can play a big part; tag that with something that goes wrong in life and bingo - life revolves around the next food fix. It's like having a relationship in which emotions are stirred up by the simple act of putting food in your mouth. There are feelings of relief, self-laothing, guilt, and the cycle continues.

More importantly, I take people for what they are; people with eating disorders judge themselves more critically tha anyone else, so don't need outsiders fuelling their feelings of despair.

Like I said, this is just my opinion/theory, gained from experience and as well as research. It may seem a bit sketchy, but I can't really run a blog five yards long!

Just to end, last year when I was researching this subject, I found there were websites that actually teach you how to be anorexic or bulimic! How irresponsible is that?
Eating Disorders - Types of eating disorders and their characteristics, Causes of eating disorders

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