Monday 5 May 2008

Response to 'The Weird & Wonderful World We Live In"

When I was a kid, I think there were two fat kids in the whole school (and they were twins). With the state of things today, when I saw the blog from Deborah Hadden I had to comment on it. This is what I said:-

"I applaud you for having such an attitude towards how you feed your daughter - I only wish a few more parents could do the same. I was watching 'Tonight With..' last week when they were talking about McDonalds' influence on kids diets - yeah right! I'm telling you, kids today seem to control their parents, and parents take the easy option for the quiet life (it seems) by filling them with junk. I'm not saying everyone is the same, but one example was a nine year old girl who weighed eleven stone and went to McDs four times a week.

What people tend to forget is that 'wholefoods' take more energy to prepare and digest, unlike processed stuff which has, in effect, had most of the work done for you and just deposits itself in layers of fat."

Following on from that, there's the question of excercise. As a kid, my friends and I were always active - but didn't see it as a way of keeping the weight off or excercise, it was just playing - and having fun. I think the emphasis has shifted from physical activity being a fun thing to, playing games, to it being a more clinical thing that you should do, but half the time can't be bothered with. I used to be a County gymnast, and could eat virtually anything without gaining weight - because I was always active and practicing moves in the garden at home. My mom used to say that if she wanted to find me in a crowd, all she had to do was look for a pair of feet in the air!

I appreciate that times have changed, and that parents are worried about allowing their kids out to play because of all the 'nasties' out there in the world. Surely though, if parents thought anything of their children's future health, wouldn't they at least try to invest time and effort to ensure the best they can for them with diet and excercise?

Obesity Goes Global - TIME

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