Sunday 30 March 2008

Is Smoking the Worst Thing in the World?

I'm one of a dying breed - one of those strange 'animals' that you find braving the weather for the sake of a fag. I'm not going to defend the habit, it is bad for you; no argument; says she, lighting one up! But is smoking really the worst thing you can do to yourself? While government is overtly trying to get people to stop, what's going on behind closed doors?

'Terminator Technology', the answer to all the world's food crisis, didn't earn it's name by accident. The threat of genetically modified crops and livestock is very real, even though the EU has put plans on hold for the time being. The US is playing Russian Roulette with genetics; how long will it be before this technology reaches our shores; even if it's just carried by nature? Cross pollenation with 'natural' crops produces infertile seeds (hence the name). And that's only the tip of the iceburg, so to speak. There's also what's being done to animals to increase milk and meat yield to consider as well.

This is being bad on a global scale. They say 'you are what you eat', that means that genetically modified food will create genetically modified people. It's covert pollution; but because it doesn't leave a smokey smell on your clothes, hair and breath; you can't see what's going on - and probably won't see the devastating effects for years to come. By then it's going to be too late, as it has been with so many 'great innovations' that are now destroying the planet and it's population.

Terminator Technology - Global Issues


chris said...

Smoking is really the worst thing you can do...once you start it very hard to stop! People may think its cool but who laughing when cancer has landed?

Emil said...

Smoking is the worst thing you can to to yourself. What makes it worse is that it can even effect the people around you. It's a shame that kids think it's a cool thing to do.