Friday 4 April 2008

Modification or Mutilation?

'Tranfixed' is the only way I can describe myself in the lecture on body modification. It has to be said though that I do have a morbid curiosity. I've got six tatts myself, and would find it really easy to get carried away and keep going back for more.

I knew that tattooing had a long history, but didn't realise just how long. What fascinated me as much as 'how' these different procedures are done, was the 'why'. Whether it's religion, cultural identity, or just plain old vanity, everything tells a story in one form or another.

I'm a firm believer that consenting adults have the right to do whatever they want to their own bodies (as long as it causes no distress to others, i.e. the person that has to perform the deed). What I do take exception to is what can only be described as mutilation of young girls in the name of keeping them under control when they become women. Also the total annihilation of the male sex organs so that a man can guard a hareem without getting up to 'mischief'. Did they not appreciate the use of the tongue in those days? Or didn't that matter because it was only pregnancy they were trying to prevent?

Anyway, back to tattoos. I think a lot of people (young blokes in particular), when they get their first tattoo, have 'mum' so that it placates said parent and paves the way for future artwork to be added. Quite a few chaps I've asked in the past have said their first tattoo was 'mum' (including my partner). Whether you like tattoos or not, you have to admit that as an art form alone, there's some fantastic designs around - enough to make me tempted again!

Tattoos.Com Ezine

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