Friday 21 March 2008

Response to "Find the Edge"

I've just posted a comment on "Find the Edge's" blog about faking orgasms. The comment went like this: Your sis doesn't know what she's missing! I think that women who 'fake it' are probably doing it to make the guy feel like he's a real stud. All they're really doing is doing themselves out of an experience and a half - not to mention raising their frustration levels - and maybe they need to find a wobbly washing machine! It got me to thinking about why us females do it. Is it because we feel like we've failed 'our man' if we can't achieve one? Or is it to make the bloke feel like he's a good lover? Whatever the reason, who's losing out? Certainly not the guy, that's for sure!

Anyway, I was trawling, looking for bits on orgasms, and found the link to a video where a hypnotist evoked a gut-wrenching orgasm in a woman just by shaking her hand. That also got me to thinking about these hypnotist shows. Yeah, it's all done in the name of fun, but is it morally right to make people in such a vulnerable state do such things?

Personally, I'd be mortified if someone did that to me. But, having said that, would it be outrageous of me to suggest something like that for the module field trip? Only joking!

Wouldn't you think that they'd at least have spelt the word right??
Orgasimic Handshake on Yahoo! Video

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