Friday 14 March 2008

21st Century Bandits?

I'm reading a book at the moment that sort of ties in with the bandit/outlaw theme. It also raises quite a few questions about the morals and integrity of the U.S. Administration. By bringing this issue up, I am not condoning what's going on over in Iraq, or attitudes to the Muslim faith. I'm very much a 'live-and-let-live' type. My point is to question the route those in power are taking, and where it will end.

The story is set thirteen months after 9/11, and as the blurb on the back cover says;
"Welcome to the Custer Hill Club - a secret society whose members include some of America's most powerful men. On the surface, the club is a place to relax with old friends. But one weekend, the club gathers to talk about the tragedy of 9/11 - and finalises a deadly retaliation plan, known only by its code name: Wild Fire.

That same weekend, a member of the Federal Anti-Terrorist Task Force is found dead. Soon it's up to Detective John Corey and his wife, FBI agent Kate Mayfield, to unravel a fiendishly clever plot that starts with the Custer Hill Club and ends with a terryfing nuclear stand-off....."

Although this is a work of fiction - a lot of the agencies and departments are real. Without giving too much away, the club are planning to 'nuke' two U.S. cities, which in their minds, will give them licence to blow away almost all the Mideast and wipe out the entire Muslim population there.

The main 'villian' is also a billionnaire oil baron, whose purpose seems to be revenge and control. He also justifies this total obliteration of a population by saying that it is not mass murder at all - it's an act of war. (What's the difference?)

The two worrying things that come out of this are, megalomaniacs like this have enough money to throw at a situation and do so much damage; but also, they can afford to do a governments bidding in situations like this, when the government don't want to be seen to be doing it themselves.

One of the scary things in the book is the attitude of this 'villian' that the answer to global warming is to induce a nuclear winter!

I know this is 'only a story', but when you think about all the secrecy etc. that governments are entrenched in - doesn't it make you start to wonder just what is going on in the real world? Especially when there are so many conspiracy theories surrounding the actual 9/11 bombings.
Nelson DeMille - Official Website

1 comment:

Liz Tattersall said...

You have raised some interesting points regarding the bandits of today. The fact that these bandits are basically loaded and the consequences of their actions have no profound effect on them, doesn't help the innocent people who are suffering.
What strikes me is that these people are getting richer off our backs not theirs! Look at the oil tycoons, the fuel prices keep rising and those who need transport, ME!, have to buy the fuel, we have no choice and they are making millions in profit. Where's the side of them that should say, okay we won't rise the prices this year give the ordinary folk a break! I wish!

Then the Government both here and in America, what is with them? War, cheating their own men, stealing from their countrymen. HA! they want our vote, it's about time they started coming back down to earth and realising that they are not immune to the gutter!

If everyone gave a little consideration for each other none of this havoc and chaos would be around. My Great Great Nan wrote in her diary that if everyone kept their garden tidy and free of weeds, every one's garden would be tidy and free of weeds, because evil and bad things have to start in one garden and to spread everyone has to be neglectful.