Wednesday 30 April 2008

Autoeroticism - Come and go at the same time?

I know it's taking a step back in time to the masturbation session weeks ago, but here we go. Again, I'm ploughing my way through a crime novel and struck on a bit in it about a guy who decked himself out in women's underwear, a condom and a hangman's noose. He slipped off the stool he was on whilst masturbating and hung himself - oxygen starvation to the extreme I'd say!

I was looking on the internet for something about this strange activity and found a whole host of other sexually deviant things that people get up to (check out the link). Some of the things listed definitely come under 'being bad', although they call them 'paraphilias'. Ranging from slightly risque to downright disgusting - not to mention illegal in some cases - it makes you wonder about what goes on in peoples' minds (or maybe not!)

There's probably a lot more of these activities lurking behind closed doors that are so secretively practiced that no-one's heard of them yet - who knows. I know I have a morbid curiosity, but I don't think I'll be working my way down the list any time soon!

I suppose it's the same with this as with a lot of things; choices - as long as you're not hurting someone else (unless they want you to!), or 'performing' in public, then where's the real harm in it? Some of the things are a bit stomach churning or warrant a bit of face pulling, but hey, whatever floats your boat; and who am I to judge?

Category:Paraphilias - Eurêka

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