Wednesday 27 February 2008

It Wasn't Me!!
I may have been bouncing off the walls last night in frustration at trying to finish an assignment; but I'm not big enough to cause an earthquake! We don't have it as bad as the vid shows! It's a bit of a tenuous link, but it is 'nature being bad', sort of?
There is an element of being bad in that (not the earthquake, silly!) I've been sitting on this assignment since before Christmas, promising myself I wouldn't leave it till the last minute to do it. What do I do? Yeah, Yeah, Yeah - it's only got to be handed in tomorrow. I have finished it, honestly. Am I the only one who does this? This 'Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?' as opposed to the other way round. Not good, eh?
I'm a pretty laid back and 'live & let live' type of gal, but I've got a bug-bear at the moment with school kids and bus queues; Why do they always have to be the first on the bus? I'm afraid I'm getting awkward in my 'owd age' - the other day, an elderly lady was first in the queue with me behind. From nowhere, a group of young lads came blundering in, trying to get on the bus first; but I angled myself across the door so they couldn't. This woman was all of four foot nothing - and wouldn't have stood a chance! What's wrong with kids today?

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