Saturday 12 April 2008


I was mooching through the blogs the other day, and read one that alluded to the act of masterbation being more acceptable for women than it is for men. It got me to thinking about the whole cross-dressing thing (why, I don't know - it must be just the way my mind works!) The connection I think is that it is still taboo for a bloke to go out in women's clothing in public, whereas women are not looked down on for wearing men's. I can't remember the last time I showed my legs in public (by the way, what is a skirt?). I'm quite often seen wearing blokes tops and jeans, and boys boots or trainers. No one bats an eyelid; but if one of you guys turned up wearing full blown 'tranny' gear, I bet it would raise more than just a few eyebrows, lol; not to mention causing a bit of a stir all round campus.

It seems that men only really get away with cross-dressing when they take it on the stage and call it a drag act. Do other blokes feel their masculinity is being threatened when guys dress in women's clothes? I maybe getting into dodgy territory now, but I've got to ask anyway. Is it a male superiority thing with 'straight' guys, that they think that dressing like a woman is demeaning to their own gender and see men that do it as lesser beings because of it?

I used to have a boyfriend that was always ogling other women. One night we were watching a documentary about the Rio carnival - where there are more cross-dressers than you can shake a stick at. He really went into 'drool mode' over one 'woman', until she spoke and he realised it wasn't a woman! Which brings me round to my final comment, some men really go to town on the image they create, and do look very feminine - it's enough to make a plain old gal like me spit rivets with envy!!

Cross-dressing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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